Tuesday, December 7, 2010

attacked by a gay guy.

Tonight I was berated by a fellow homo. But he's extremely out, and I am not. It basically all started when I posted a picture of this image regarding the stupidity of changing your facebook profile pic of a cartoon too stop child abuse. I felt that it was insensitive to do, because that will not raise awareness, it just gives people an excuse to relive there childhood shows. So he comments on it saying that what I posted was "disrespectful" I just said back to him that I was sorry that he felt that way, but its only a graphic image stating the obvious. He kept going on and on, so I finally stopped him and told him that I didn't make the image, and told him to not crucify me. He then told me to get a life, which I replied back with a "Why are you starting shit on my photo? You work with me, thats it, I don't talk to you.

 In the end, he looked like a major asshole, and plain dumb. He tried to back up his arguments but it didn't work at all. He even called me a fag, a term that could be used on him well. But my friend shot him down when she said that its unfortunate that he chooses to use that word as a gay man himself.

Basically in the end, I find it pretty fucked up how as a gay community our hearts break for those teenagers, but yet.... we have those same bullies  WHO ARE GAY. That is so wrong! Time to start putting things in perspective.

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